Shiney Ahuja who was arrested for allegedly raping his maid servant on Sunday evening has been sent to judicial custody till 2nd July. Shiney will undergo various tests to confirm the crime although the actor himself confessed that he has committed the sin. He will undergo DNA test. The actor was behind bars for three days and the court on Thursday has decided to increase his period in jail till 12 July. The news came as a relief for Shiney and his family as they can now apply for bail and appeal in a higher court
The medical test carried on the maid confirmed that she was raped and later tortured physically. So far most of the evidences are poiting towards Shiney Ahuja. To confirm the crime, Shiney will undergo DNA test. According to the MV Garad, the state forensic director, “We have started the process of retrieving any semen stains from items collected from the actor’s house and it will take a week to complete the process of DNA test”.
However, Anupam Ahuja is blindly supporting Shiney regardless of the fact that her husband himself confessed of having consensual sex with the maid.
- Shiney Ahuja Arrested For Allegedly Raped His Maid - June 15, 2009
- Popular Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja was arrested here late Sunday (15 June 2009) for allegedly raping his maid. The Police officer said, “The 19 year old maid lodged a complaint with the Oshiwara police station in Andheri (West) Sunday evening and police summoned Shiney Ahuja for questioning”. The actor was arrested and investigations were on, the officer said, , Bollywood news | Gossip | Shiney Ahuja | news
- Shiney Ahuja At Promotion For Hijack - July 14, 2008
- Shiney Ahuja along with director Kunal Shivdasani promotes their forthcoming film in Mumbai. Under the banner of Aleya Motion Magic and Eros Entertainment, the film is all set to release on 29 August. The film is based on thriller and drama genre and shoots at the locations of UAE and Dubai. Kunal Shivdasani latest ambitious venture HIJACK , Bollywood Movies | Bollywood news | Events | Flms | news | snaps of bollywood stars
- Shiney Ahuja Is Under Police Custody For Raping His Maid - June 17, 2009
- Last evening, the whole of Bollywood was shocked by news which no one knew whether to believe or not. The news was that Shiney Ahuja, the lead star of movies like Gangster, Hazaon Khwaishen Aisi and Woh Lamhe was accused of raping his maid servant and that the latter had filed a complaint against him , Bollywood news | Shiney Ahuja | news
- Shiney Ahuja Judges Zodiac 09 Fashion Event Pictures, Photos - March 24, 2009
- Dashing actor Shiney Ahuja judging the “Zodiac 09” fashion event. Take a look in images. , Bollywood news | Events | Shiney Ahuja | news | snaps of bollywood stars
- Shiney Ahuja and Kaveri Jha Sizzles At Seaside In Hijack - May 21, 2008
- Debutant Kaveri Jha and cool actor Shiney Ahuja come together in Bollywood forthcoming film “Hijack”. It’s an action flick based on real life story of aeroplane hijacking. Amritsar to Dehli flight is hijacked by group of six terrorists. Shiney AKA Vikram sneaks into the aircraft with the help of Esha Deol AKA Saira, an air-hostess. Then
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