18 Aug 2009

One kiss is Justified, says Dev Anand

Dev Anand — frankly speaking on topics that are still taboo...

Article 377 and gay rights
You can do anything in private but you don’t flaunt it in public. Homosexuality is unacceptable to any country or community. And I don’t think any parent would happily give his or her consent to a same sex marriage for their child. So, why encourage it?

Legalising prostitution
Once again prostitution is not something you flaunt on the streets. If you must pay for sex, it’s to be done quietly.
So why should it need legal sanction?

Teen pregnancy
With globalisation and increased liberalisation, the trend that has become a national concern in countries like the UK, has spread to India too. Young people are attracted to each other; it’s a natural awakening. They get close in schools and colleges. Sex can happen anywhere, any time. Earlier, kids hesitated to go all the way, now they are eager to explore.

Live-in relationships
Living-in is a Western concept that has become the fashion today. I have no problem with two educated, consenting adults moving in together before they make their relationship official. A couple may get fed up with each other and eventually decide not to marry. This way they don’t have to go through a messy divorce or heart-breaking separation. But marriage has a charm of its own. It gives you the chance to explore and discover each other. And since you’re committed, you don’t walk away easily.

Kissing on screen
If a script requires, a kiss is a must. But it shouldn’t be used to show off how liberal you are or as a cheap gimmick to draw an audience. When a boy and girl are in love, a kiss marks the culmination in their relationship. One kiss is justified; too many and it loses its charm.

Drugs & Dum Maro Dum
My film, Hare Rama Hare Krishna, touched on the subject of drugs way back in the 1970s. A quarter of a century later, so many Jasbirs have come and gone. So many feeble minds have got hooked on to hashish and cocaine in the hope that it will give them the strength to face the world, only to realise their mistake later. My next film could well be a sequel to the Hare Rama... that takes Jasbir’s story forward.

Truth & dare reality shows
I wouldn’t go on a show like Sach ka Saamna even if I were invited. Not because I’m afraid to tell the truth but because I believe that certain truths belong to you alone. They are your private property and are not meant to be shared with the world. We’re human beings and so fallible. All of us make mistakes but we don’t have to own up to them on national television.

Film censorship
It’s time censor rules were relaxed. The world has come into our living rooms. Sexuality is no longer behind closed doors. Why can’t our censor be a little more open?

Modern-day media
The media is the backbone of a democracy. Its job is to expose without taking sides. Sure, dig in, but call a spade
a spade. The pen and now, the laptop is a strong weapon. Don’t misuse it. That’s what Sachche ka Bolbala was about.

Tell-all biographies
All I can say is that my book was the story of my life, written by me, in my own words. So much has happened. And so much is still happening. It’s been two years since Romancing With Life was released by Penguin. It was a bestseller. And had an international edition. A lot has happened since. Maybe I’ll update it.

Evergreen romantic
I’ve grown with the country.. With three-four generations.. I’m in tune with my times reading newspapers, watching TV and listening to people. I may be 85 but mind never grows old. It urges you to surge ahead.

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