Trust Shah Rukh Khan and Farhan Akhtar to do the unthinkable. The two artistes, who have teamed up again for Don 2, are giving Bollywood choreography a new twist. On Wednesday, filmmaker-actor Farhan finished shooting a video for the song Mujhko Pehchaan Lo… for the sequel to his 2006 hit at Yash
Raj Studio.
Interestingly, unlike other music videos that have dance moves, this one has been shot like an action sequence by choreographer Vaibhavi Merchant and Farhan. As a result, the audiences will now get to see a lot more action and stunts instead of the same old archetypal dance moves.
“It has come out very nicely. It was a collective decision by Farhan, Shah Rukh and Vaibhavi, and the entire song looks sleek and stylish,” says a unit member.
The director too is excited about the final product. “Instead of an oft-repeated song-and-dance treatment, we’ve opted to visualise the song as an action scene. And to see Don vanquish his opponents while casually singing the words is surreal, but very intriguing,” says Farhan.
Merchant, who has worked on songs like Kajra Re… and Chance Pe Dance… in the past, finds the entire experience “unique”. She says, “Shah Rukh is lip syncing and performing some stunts for the song. All of this is a very unique experience for me.” Don 2 that also stars Priyanka Chopra hits theatres on December 23.
Raj Studio.
Interestingly, unlike other music videos that have dance moves, this one has been shot like an action sequence by choreographer Vaibhavi Merchant and Farhan. As a result, the audiences will now get to see a lot more action and stunts instead of the same old archetypal dance moves.
“It has come out very nicely. It was a collective decision by Farhan, Shah Rukh and Vaibhavi, and the entire song looks sleek and stylish,” says a unit member.
The director too is excited about the final product. “Instead of an oft-repeated song-and-dance treatment, we’ve opted to visualise the song as an action scene. And to see Don vanquish his opponents while casually singing the words is surreal, but very intriguing,” says Farhan.
Merchant, who has worked on songs like Kajra Re… and Chance Pe Dance… in the past, finds the entire experience “unique”. She says, “Shah Rukh is lip syncing and performing some stunts for the song. All of this is a very unique experience for me.” Don 2 that also stars Priyanka Chopra hits theatres on December 23.
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